Dionisius Agius is a Fellow of the British Academy, Emeritus Al-Qasimi Professor of Arabic Studies and Islamic Material Culture at the University of Exeter and Affiliate Adjunct Professor at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah. Educated at the Jesuit Université St-Joseph, Beirut and University of Toronto, he is an Arabist and ethnographer specializing in the maritime landscapes of the Western Indian Ocean from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age. He is author of: In the Wake of the Dhow: The Arabian Gulf and Oman (Ithaca-Garnet 2002 and 2010); Seafaring in the Arabian Gulf and Oman: People of the Dhow (Kegan Paul-Taylor and Francis 2005 and 2009); Classic Ships of Islam: From Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean (Brill 2008 and 2014) and The Life of the Red Sea Dhow: A Cultural History of Seaborne Exploration in the Islamic World (I.B. Tauris-Bloomsbury 2019).
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